Hiatus December 29, 2023 I started this blog all the way back in 2005, using a mixture of html and JavaScript called "TiddlyWiki." Over the years, I've tried to regularly post my thoughts on writing and life (and the writing life), but I've noticed that the frequency of my posts, while fluctuating, has been decreasing over the years. And this past year has been one of the quietest on record, with only five posts (including this one). Blogs, in my experience, go through a life cycle. First comes the explosion of pages: abouts and links and projects and currently doings. Then comes a rejiggering, generally of the site's appearance. After this comes a period of stability, in which blog posts tick-tock along at roughly regular intervals. For some writers, the blog becomes an extension of their work, a garden that they tend religiously. For others, they post only when there's some new development, such as a new book out or an appearance at an upcoming convention. But eventually, either the writers' lives or their interests change and the blog slowly grinds to a halt. I'll admit that when I go to a blog and see that the last post is three/four/five years old, I'm not as interested in it as when the last post was just yesterday. However, even if the blog is quiet, I'll still often poke around a bit to see what nuggets of information I might be able to unearth. There are a number of reasons, some personal, some related to my writing (especially the novel draft I'm currently working on), which have decreased the frequency of my posts. But I also feel that this blog may be moving into the later stages of its life. So I'm going to put it on a temporary hiatus. Perhaps, once the novel is done, the frequency of my posting will go back up. Perhaps it won't. So I hope that, if nothing else, you find some good poking-around material while you're here. (c) 2023 Andrew Gudgel email: contact [at] andrewgudgel [dot] com